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how to get backlinks alexa

to be a great site should have a site that is good value in the eyes of the world , then how do I get all that , one is to get backlinks from other sites , keep what is a backlink ?
A backlink is a link to the website or the website , where we put our website link on the other websites that have high page rank , and how to add alexa backlinks ?
short answer , it takes hard work and not easy to give up , any website that has a small alexa rank is already good , but it would be better to have a lot of backlinks , and to get backlinks we must perform the following steps .
1 . Make posts that really good quality and useful for every visitor who read it , not uncommon for people to voluntarily share our posts with others if your post was really good quality and useful .
2 . Try to share our posts through social bookmarks that have alexa rank is of little value . This is also very helpful to improve our alexa rank .
3 . Try to share our posts with your friends - through social networks like Facebook or Twitter , and I think this is an effective and very effective way , because if we post useful sure our friends will share our posts with friends again .
4 . diligently to leave a trail or commented on other websites that have a high rank
5 . when commenting on other blogs try to comment that we provide is not the same as a comment on another website , try any of your comments and the weighted differently
6 . remain consistent in managing websites

in theory the way you do that I suggest above is not impossible you will get alexa backlinks naturally , you need to consider is to remain patient and consistent ,
maybe it's just that I can describe , if this article please distribute this article through the media that you know by providing the source http://seoblogcepot.blogspot.com

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